Thursday, June 11, 2009

Refuse to Fail and commit to recover.doc

Refuse to Fail and commit to recover!


Mark 11:24


Last night as my Assistant Pastor was teaching Bible study, he spoke on being healed and not just looking for something to happen in an instant. Healing for some is a process of recovery. He gave the example of how we rely on the words of Doctor’s before we rely on the word of God.  For others healing can be attained instantly because they have believed and not doubted God and came with an expectant heart and willingness to let go and let God have his way with their situation.


Healing is not just a physical phenomenon as it is most commonly believed. Healing is defined as restoring to health or soundness or to cure.  It also means to set right; repair. Finally, it means to restore a person to spiritual wholeness. Whether the healing is for your mind, body, soul, relationships, finances or spirit it is still healing.  Seek to get some healing for those past hurts you thought you could never overcome. Seek healing for your finances so you can be a blessing to others; seek healing for  broken relationships so you can sleep better at night; seek healing for your body for your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and without a clean temple it is a set up for destruction; seek healing for your mind…. Less is more! De-clutter emotional baggage, clean out the skeletons in the closet by delivering them first class postage to the Father; spend time in prayer…because if your mind is on Jesus you are in perfect peace; and most of all take time for yourself!  You can’t be a blessing, minister to or lead anyone else if your life is not right before God and them.  Make up in your mind that you refuse to fail because there is no failure in God.  And just as when you receive doctor’s instructions to wait before resuming a certain activity before complete healing; begin to wait on God for your breakthrough!  Failure is not the outcome refusal because at least you tried; however, success should be the result of many missed attempts at success.  God loves you no matter what stage you are in and will help you through recovery time and those missed attempts until you achieve success!!